Untamed ep.06
UNTAMED WRITTEN BY STEVEN JERAL HARRIS EDITED BY EMERALD BLUE OKIKI Episode 06 The Case. N ight matures as Frank drives away from Rochester and into a secluded town that has no buildings, and the small homes, which are made out of wood, are acres apart. The town is mostly full of thick dark woods that stretch for miles and miles. The sky is free of clouds, making the full moon look grand and vivid behind the towering pine trees. He cruises his way down a pitch-black road with his headlights revealing only what ’ s 40 yards ahead of him. He continues to drive down the lonely winding road until a faint light can be seen peeking through the pine trees from afar. He slows to a halt at an illuminated area blocked off by two squad cars, an old pickup truck, a couple of sedans, and burning road flares. There he sees three state troopers, an old man, and this tall casually dressed fellow talking together. The tall man, who is dressed in a gray suit, approaches and ...