T. R. A. I. L. E. R. WE HAVE OUR FANTASIES INT. BEDROOM - DAY SHANNEL: You remember you used to tell me the kind of man you’ll love to marry, your fantasy guy? Diane smiles. EXT. ROAD - DAY SHANNEL’S VOICE: Tall, athletic slim, very light in complexion like white, can dance and very handsome, Mario Cimarro and Sean Paul combined. We see RICHIE that fits the description walking towards a florist shop in his well-tailored grey suit and white shirt. INT. DIANE MANSION Rick pulls Diane to himself; she withdraws slowly, her hands on his chest pushing him gently wondering what he’s up to, while he follows suit, bending slightly over her, until her back hits the couch. Rick is looking into her eyes. RICK:{looking into her eyes} You meant you right?.. Tell me. Diane calms, and looks into his eyes; her hands extend to his shoulders, her eyes blinking every sec RICK: {smiles} I love you. DIANE: And I love you more. Rick closes up slowly to kiss her lips