Untamed S4 ep06
WRITTEN BY STEVEN JERAL HARRIS EDITED BY EMERALD LORDSFAME S4 ep06 A New Life A hush spills over me as my brain registers the information my ears just received. I delay for a second to let her words sink in. I then slowly take a couple of steps backward and swallow down hard. "This is obviously a mistake," I tell her with alarm in my voice. I look around the room at the others witnessing my self-destruction. "I can't do this, I won ’ t." The panic in my voice is amplifying. "Take it out of me, today. I want it out. Do you understand?" "You need a rare stone to perform such a ritual. Once used it can't be used again," she informs me. "Sorry, I can't be part of this." My body is beginning to tremor more. “I ’ m just a girl.” “No, you ’ re not, not anymore. You ’ re one of us now.” Kenya says to me straightforwardly. I grasp my chest as if I ’ m having a heart attack. “No, I can ’ t do ...