Untamed S3 ep08
UNTAMED WRITTEN BY STEVEN JERAL HARRIS EDITED BY EMERALD BLUE OKIKI S3 ep0 8 The Memorial. School finally reopens that following Thursday. I have come to the realization that people die and some of those deaths are murders. That ’ s still a hard thing to grasp for the simple fact that it ’ s someone I cared about. The ride to school is fairly silent, not because I don ’ t want to talk, but instead I ’ m still mourning over my Professor ’ s death. Today the campus is swarming with police officers. Instead of driving up to the entrance, my mom parks the van and switches off the engine. "You sure you ’ ll be alright?" she asks. I look over at her and notice doubt in her eyes. "I'll be fine mom." "Okay keep your phone on you, at all times." "I will." "I love you, Iva," she says with a warm smile. "I love you too mom." I hop out and shut the door, and then step onto the walkway. The m...