Yoruba names for plants. and herbs II


      Check previous post for Yoruba names for plants and herbs. These are Yoruba names for more plants.

     Add yours to the comment section.

  • Alchornea cordifolia – Ipa
  • Caesalpinia pulcherima – Barbados pride, dwarf poinciana, Barbados flower-fence – Eko-omode
  • Afzelia africana – Afzelia, Lenke, Lengue, or Doussi – Apa-igbo
  • Alternanthera sessilis – sessile joyweed or dwarf copperleaf – Reku-reku
  • Anacardium occidentale – Cashew – Kasu
  • Anthocleista djalonensis, Anthocleista liebrechtsiana – Sapo, Shapo
  • Arachis hypogea – peanut, or groundnut – Epa
  • Bambusa vulgaris – Golden Bamboo, or Buddha’s Belly Bamboo – Oparun
  • Baphia nitida – African sandalwood – Osun, Irosun
  • Allanblackia floribunda – tallow tree – Eku, Eso roro
  • Byrsocarpus coccineus – Amuje wewe
  • Calendula officinalis – pot marigold – Ododo-Maria in yoruba
  • Calotropis procera – Sodom apple – Bomubomu
  • Canarium schweinfurthii – African elemi or canarium – Paapo, Origbo
  • Canavalia ensiformis – jack bean – Sese-nla
  • Carapa procera – Carapa – Abo-oganwo
  • Cardiospermum halicacabum – balloon plant or love in a puff – Shaworo
  • Celastrus indica – Ponju-owiwi
  • Ceiba pentandra – Araba
  • Cissampelos owariensis – Ewe jokoje
  • Chromolaena odorata – Siam weed – Akintola, Awolowo
  • Tetracarpidium conophorum – Nigerian walnut – Awusa, Asala
  • Vernonia colorata – Ironweed – Eriro-Ijebu
  • Xylopia aethiopica – Eeru, Erunje
  • Tridax procumbens – Igbalode, Muwagun
  • Waltheria indica – Ewe-epo
  • Vitex doniana – Oori-nla
  • Uvaria chamae – finger root or bush banana – Eruju
  • Viscum album – mistletoe- Afomo in yoruba
  • Uvaria afzelii – Gbongbose, Anikan wogba-arun
  • Urena lobata – Ilasa-agborin, Ilasa-omode
  • Uraria picta – Alupayida
  • Voacanga africana – Ako-dodo
  • Argemone mexicana – Mexican poppy, Mexican prickly poppy, Flowering thistle, cardo or cardosanto – Egun arugbo, Ekan-ekun
  • Artocarpus altilis – Berefurutu
  • Boerhaavia diffusa – punarnava – Etiponla, Olowojeja
  • Borreria verticillata – Irawo ile
  • Carpolobia lutea – Osunsun
  • Citrullus colocynthis – colocynth, bitter apple, bitter cucumber, desert gourd, egusi, or vine of Sodom – Egusi-baara
  • Citrus aurantium – Bitter orange, Seville orange, sour orange, bigarade orange, or marmalade orange – Osan
  • Aspilia africana – Yunyun
  • Nicotiana tabacum – Ewe taba


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