Untamed S3 ep02
S3 ep02
The Blaires Are Nut-Jobs.
It’s only my second day in Pre-calculus and Professor
Welsh gives us a quiz, which I’m highly doubtful
about. Afterwards, I take a nice break in the student lounge to eat before heading
off to my next class, Psychology.
As I walk through the halls I keep an eye
out for Jason, and a sharper eye out for the Blaire family. I’m trying to avoid them as much as possible.
Soon, I’m transferring to my
favorite class, Introduction to Literature. Professor Grant gives me a welcoming
smile as I enter the room. One by one, the rest of the students fill in the
vacant seats. The last one to enter, Daniel, marches towards the back with his large
frame and takes a seat. Professor Grant shuts the door and walks to the center
of the classroom.
"Hello everyone and welcome to day
number two of my class. I have an interesting topic lined up for you guys.
Today we will be reviewing..."
Suddenly the door swings open and Kendrick enters
with an angry look on his face, yet again.
Professor Grant eyes follow him into the
class, up the steps, and in a seat two rows down from me.
"Thank you for making it on time Mr.
Chuckles swell throughout the room. The chuckles
stops instantly when Kendrick slams his books on the desk which makes some
students, including me, flinch. A girl next to him stares in total shock by his
utterly rude outburst. A second later, she gets up and move a couple chairs
down from him.
“Kendrick, is there a problem?"
Professor Grant asks with a burning stare.
The entire class is now completely dead
"If you don’t want to be here, then there's the door. This is my class and you
will respect me here; do you understand?"
I hear Kendrick breathing heavily, although
I’m two rows behind him. Suddenly Kendrick mutters something foul
underneath his breath.
“Excuse me?” Professor Grant backfires.
“I said… fuck this class,” he replies loud
enough for everyone to hear.
The mood in the classroom has changed from pleasant
to disturbed in a matter of seconds. The faces of my fellow classmates are
frozen in astonishment.
“You are excused Mr. Blaire.” Professor
Grant tells him with a burning leer.
“Now you’re kicking me out?”
“I will write a letter to the dean.”
Kendrick snickered at Professor Grant’s comeback.
“Go ahead. I own this school.”
“Not this classroom, not while I’m here.”
Kendrick begins to laugh as he collects his
things. He stands to his feet and makes his way down the steps slowly,
eyeballing Professor Grant fiercely the entire way. A fresh mischievous smile
appears on his face as he leaves the classroom. Professor Grant clears his
throat and continues.
"If anyone is having personal issues,
please keep it at home, and don't bring it to my classroom." He stops to
trace everyone. "Okay let’s proceed. Today we will
be reviewing several other genres that author J. L. Lucas has explored. How
many of you have done your homework and read his autobiography?"
Suddenly the door swings open once more and
hits the wall with a clamorous sound which echoes throughout the room. Again,
the entire class freeze abruptly as a tall man, dressed in a white collared
shirt and slacks, marches into the classroom. The look on the man’s face is something between furious and homicidal.
"How dare you talk to my son that
way?" He yells at Professor Grant with fiery hatred.
Professor Grant’s face flattens. Then it hits me, this furious man is no other
than Cornelius Blaire, Kendrick’s father.
"I can easily get you fired tomorrow.
I own your ass!" He shouts at Grant.
Professor Grant’s face twists with disgust.
“Were you eavesdropping?” Grant asks.
“I heard every damn word. I dare you make a
fool out of my son again. I promise your ass will be fired tomorrow."
Cornelius says with his pointer finger beaming between Professor Grant’s eyes.
Professor Grant swipes Cornelius hand away.
“Who do you think you are?” Professor Grant
backfires aggressively.
Cornelius immediately steps closer to
Professor Grant, so close that their noses are almost touching.
“Cornelius, if you put your finger in my
face again, I’m going to break it.” Professor Grant
replies in an angry yet composed manner.
The grip on my pen suddenly tightens. My
eyes are beginning to sting from me unblinking, yet oddly enough I can’t manage to blink because I’m way too absorbed
into their argument. Nothing seems to be functioning correctly in my body
except for my burning eyes and my pounding heart. At this very moment the classroom
is beyond silent. It’s as if someone placed
me into a real life photograph.
Everyone is completely glued into their
seats and not in a good way.
“Come on, William, take a swing.” Cornelius
whispers in his face.
My heart is starting to pound harder
against my ribcage. The tight grip on my pen is starting to get moist with
sweat. Cornelius fist is so tight it becomes slightly red. A moment seems like
forever as their homicidal gazes remain intertwined. But then Professor Grant
steps away from Cornelius. He clears his throat, takes a breather, and regains
his cool.
"I’m teaching a class
right now. This matter can be discussed at a better time," Professor Grant
tells him through his teeth.
Cornelius lifts his chin arrogantly and
"I’ve said what I had to
say. And I don't make promises I can't keep, William."
Cornelius rotates towards the door but
stops midway. He pauses, only briefly, to stare at something over my head. He
then leaves the room without shutting the door. I’m relieved that he’d left because I was holding my breath the entire time. Now I’m stable enough to breathe again. I then trace Cornelius leer behind
I figure out what he was looking at just
before he’d left the class. It’s Daniel. I spot Daniel, in the back row, standing up in defence
mode. Then I shift back at Professor Grant, who is frozen in place staring at
the open door. The hatred in his eyes is cooling down.
I take another look in the back of the
Daniel lowers slowly into his seat, yet the
anger in his face remains fresh. At the same time it’s hard to tell if he’s angry or not because
that’s his usual expression.
The students gaze around at one another
with confused looks.
"The Blaires are nut-jobs." A boy
whispers to another classmate behind me.
Professor Grant adjusts his suit and sighs.
He walks over to the door, closes it, and then repositions himself in the
middle of the room.
"Okay class. Sorry about that rude and
unnecessary behavior." He says while pausing again to regain more
Seconds rolls by and he remains
“With that said, let us continue.” He
finally proceeds.
The hour of class is so awkward. Cornelius
is way gone, but the tension he carried in is still warm under my collar. Small
conversations about their argument are already taking place around me. I can’t help but feel highly embarrassed for Professor Grant.
His personality has suddenly changed
I guess the Blaires have an immeasurable
talent of bringing out the worst in people. He’s not the typical fun
loving Professor Grant that I’ve come to know.
Instead he’s a lot quieter and
gloomier than usual.
Soon, I’m gathering my
belongings and making my way towards the door. He sees me coming down the steps
but doesn’t smile at me like he usually would.
His face is completely flat. I pause at the
doorway and give him a warm smile, hoping he will do the same. He, who can
barely look me in the eyes, gives me a very feeble smile as I leave the class.
I want to say something, something to make him feel better, but I decide not
to. He tries to hide his anger but he has a poor way of hiding it.
I glance back from the hallway and see
Daniel approaching him, and
then they begin another private discussion. I continue down the hallway, hearing students gossiping
about the argument, now amongst groups.
Before long I’m heading home. That
argument left a huge mark on my psyche. I can’t seem to shake off
the tension they created. Then I have a feeling there’s more to Glenworth than
most people think. And I’m eager to find out
what’s really going on...
...to be continued
Watch out for the next episode... New episode reads on Tuesdays
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